

Monday, May 26, 2014

Why “Hush Hush” About Property Prices?

Much has been said and written about properties in Noida and what a wonderful investment proposition these are, but most financial advisors, consultants and realtors keep mum about the cost aspects. Money happens to be the single most important factor driving any purchase or sale, and in case of property, surprisingly people just let it drop. After a bit of research I found out that not only does articles and informative hand-outs advising on commercial property investment lack information about pricing, most of the purchase brochures also lacked it. Isn't a buyer supposed to know the price first and then proceed on to other details?

All this is because of a clever market strategy to reveal the price at the last, so that the potential buyers get to hear the positives first, and the price, which is obviously high doesn't put them off. However amidst all this, I noticed a few builder websites such as the Wave Groups and a few others clearly mention their starting prices for each of their verticals in the FAQ section mentioned outright on the main page of each vertical, which would obviously be the right place to look for it. Further details and per sq. fit break ups of individual units are easily downloadable in an attached PDF.

It may not matter much, but if nothing it speaks about the brand’s trust factor and how much they value transparency. Most renowned business groups such as these, keep transparency and customer relationship on a foremost note. Their clarity about prices and simplicity of web portals that do not entangle the users in multiple clicks and page redirections or email requests for prices, speaks about the clear motive. Personally I would prefer to make commercial property investments with my lifetime of savings with someone who is trustworthy and transparent about things. Also most projects shy away from mentioning a strict timeline and completion date, but premium players value time and they make sure that their websites entail a clear chart of timeline, important milestones and their present status.

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