

Friday, January 3, 2014

Tips for Real Estate Blogging

Waveestate :- property mohali
The blogging frenzy never stops if you want to use it to leverage your business endeavors. The advantages of having a popular web presence need no explanations. In this web age, internet produces more leads for realtors than any other mediums of ads and enquiries. Over 60% people scan the web for information before making decisions about sale and purchase of properties.

This places blogs into limelight. You might actually attract enquiries and leads for your villas in Mohali or Noida or Bangalore, by writing a blog that addresses the aspects of luxury living in that area and leaves your contact details towards the end. But coming up with fresh topics and maintaining the readability can be a problem. So here are some tips to help you through the visit statistics.

Do not do direct marketing
Marketing your services directly through a blog is a bad idea. It destroys the credibility of your blog and nobody likes to read self praises. Instead, talk about some actual problems and write something that would be informative to people.  Most people refer to net to know about something specific, some issues that they don’t have a solution to. So use those topics that someone would want to read about. If you want you can promote the region that you are active in instead of your services directly. Like promoting real estate projects in Mohali in general is better than praising Singhal Property Dealers-Mohali, that way you can attract more readerships.

Refer to links
While talking about the problems that a customer may face always frame a solution for it and give some actual links on it. Nobody likes to read about their problems amplified, with no solutions being offered to it. For instance, if you wish to sell apartments or villas in Mohali, you can talk about how difficult it is to rent the same, and in the process you can refer to some good brokers active in the area who can offer the customers, some good options.  

Side services Post-deal
The role of a realtor, ideally, shouldn’t end post the deal if they want to earn long term customers. The same applies to blogging. Pre-deal problems are well discussed but once the deal is made the customers may find themselves lost on many points. You can give tips about shifting, customized constructions, furnishing options etc.

You can make use of these suggestions while writing a property blog, and I hope this helps you. 

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